What Is Consumer Health?
manage the risk of outliving their assets and leave a legacy.
Our partners collectively have over 100 years of experience managing wealth. We understand your financial planning needs.
Why CIC Wealth?
CIC Wealth takes a holistic approach to financial planning. We are here to help you design a strategy that works for you.
Who We Serve
No matter whether you are a business owner, employee, or retiree, we are here to help.
Personalized Financial Planning Service That’s Transparent
We take the time to get to know your personal situation, so that we can deliver professional financial planning solutions that meet your individualized needs. We invest as much time as necessary to educate our clients in the beginning of the relationship so that it’s easier to make decisions as we move forward and have confidence that the strategies we put into place will lead them in the right direction.

Financial Advisors and Financial Planners
Your mission is our mission. Family, business, estate planning, finances – whatever your goals are, we share them!
Financial Advisors and Financial Planners

Your mission is our mission. Family, business, estate planning, finances – whatever your goals are, we share them!
About Us
Our financial planners and advisors are about service, service, service. That’s what we’re all about! Please reach out to us if you would like to learn more about our investment strategies, and how we can help you manage your portfolio. CIC Wealth Team Members are contributing writers to Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and highly recognized by the financial media. They regularly post about the intersections between wisdom in financial markets and in leading a successful life.

About Us

Our financial planners and advisors are about service, service, service. That’s what we’re all about! Please reach out to us if you would like to learn more about our investment strategies, and how we can help you manage your portfolio. CIC Wealth Team Members are contributing writers to Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and highly recognized by the financial media. They regularly post about the intersections between wisdom in financial markets and in leading a successful life.
Check out Our Latest Research Reports
Fiduciaries are bound by law to put your interests ahead of anything else. Not all advisors are fiduciaries.
We perform our own research and make the investment decisions locally. We don’t just use asset allocation models created by so-called experts on Wall Street.
We don’t earn commissions from the sale of investments. To be truly objective, we feel that our compensation should never be dependent upon which investment strategy we implement.
We deliver the highest level of service through what we call our Seamless and Proactive approach.